Oils for Everyone

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fit Pregnancy-- Bikini Body Mommy

I started working out regularly (up to 6x a week) in July 2015.
Summer 2016 was going to be my year I was going to be looking HOT.
I had perfected amazing eating habits, drinking water habits, eliminated soda almost completely & I was the strongest I had ever been.

Ricky & I were also trying to expand our family and so 2016 is actually NOT going to be the year I'm looking hot in my bikini. But, the good thing is we are on track for 2017.
My last progress picture & first pregnancy picture.
6 weeks along. 

So I spent all of February, March & April unable to eat almost all meat & pretty much every other food for that matter.
There was also a billion other unfavorable pregnancy side effects so working out was really the furthest thing on my mind.
I think I went to the gym about 4-5 times the whole 3 months.

I struggled to drink water in the beginning and I also couldn't (and still cannot drink coffee) but oh man is Pepsi my lover right now. Not excessively. Maybe like 3-4/week. I'm dying without coffee. Don't judge me!

Now that I'm in my second trimester my house is a little less hoarder-ish, we all have clean underwear & the dishes are done regularly again.
I have no routine because most days I needed a nap to even make it until 7pm.
I swear this pregnancy is 10x worse than my pregnancy with Charley ever was.

I'm feeling a little more alive so I needed to seriously figure out a workout routine that was safe.
First of all, I HATE working out at home. I absolutely hate it. 
I love being a gym rat, having my headphones in and being left alone to work on me.
Mentally & physically.
It is therapeutic.
I know some enjoy workout video's and having their kid(s) around and stuff.

My entire life revolves around Charley 24/7 and working out is one of the few things that is done for me so I don't especially like to have company or an audience. It's almost like taking a bath. I want to be left the hell alone -- FOR A WHILE. 

HIIT is out the window for the rest of 2016.
I still plan to hit the gym because literally working out at home sucks but some days it's better than nothing especially on days when I am more tired.

After much research and talking to my doctor he told me to do whatever I was comfortable with. He and I both agreed that it's almost impossible to get a good workout in at 140bpm or below. He also explained that I could push myself but that if I can't breathe; Hudson can't breathe. So to be mindful of that.
After only 3 months "off" I have lost some strength, mostly in my back.. which is starting to really kill me again.

I will also add that at 15.2 I am able to eat enough meat that I feel like I can actually workout without being sore for an entire week. Which last week when I worked out I was sore for 6 days -- thanks to my protein, pre-workout & supplement deprived body.

I came across the Bikini Body Mommy page and figured I'd give her pregnancy series a go.
She has a week by week pregnancy workout program which was appealing to me.
Today (Week 15) I completed my first workout in the series.
That normal "home workout" frustration came from both the toddler and the dogs but overall I still felt like I got a decent 20 minute workout in - targeting good muscle groups while keeping my heart in a steady, healthy area for both Hudson and myself. The good news is you can use whatever dumbbell you're comfortable with which can really beef up your workout
I haven't really looked into or tried any of her other workout programs but I think she's got a great personality and they are probably worthwhile if you like the home workout thing. A majority of them are free but even the paid subscription (which the pregnancy series is a paid subscription) is only $2/month for complete access to all workouts.

This particular workout was 20 minutes long. 5 min warm up/cool down.
My heart rate was in zone for me for most of my workout. I'm sure pausing to get the toddler/dogs situated played a role in that. I'm not super concerned about calories at this point as I am still at my pre-pregnancy weight. It's a little discouraging getting a 152 calorie burn when I normally get about 300 in the same time frame (when not pregnant) but the end goal is overall health for 2 people so I'm pleased with my workout! 

Of course there's a million reasons why working out during pregnancy is great for the mother but there's also some incredible reasons to workout for the baby.
- Your may boost your child's athletic potential. One study found that 20 year olds who were exposed to exercise in utero performed better at sports than same age peers whose mothers did not exercise during pregnancy. After all, Im trying to make Hudson an all star. He can thank me later.
- Your child may have a healthier heart. The developing babies of prenatal exercisers have more efficient hearts than those of non-exercisers, and this higher cardio fitness level seems to last into the childhood years.
- Your children may grow up to be smarter. Some research indicates that kids of moms who workout during pregnancy have better memories, in addition to higher scores on intelligence and language tests.

So in short I feel like I'm improving his brain, heart & athletic abilities. 
Other benefits of a fit pregnancy here.

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